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Remedy Testing

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What you can expect

What is bioresonance testing?

Embarking on your holistic wellness journey with Remedy Testing is a simple process. We'll provide you with an at-home collection kit, allowing you to send in a hair or saliva sample. This sample is the foundation for our bioenergetic testing and will be sent to our center. Once we receive your sample, our advanced bioenergetic and quantum response remote testing methods will analyze it comprehensively. You'll then receive your results, giving you the chance to connect with a certified Remedy Testing practitioner. Your practitioner will discuss personalized remedy recommendations based on your bioenergetic profile, addressing the imbalances and root causes of your health concerns. You'll receive a clear plan for your remedy regimen, including how to incorporate remedies into your daily routine. We'll establish a retesting schedule to track your progress and adjust your holistic wellness plan as needed.

Did you know that our body is made up of energy that is measurable? This type of testing falls into the holistic health realm. While this is not a diagnostic tool to be confused with any type of western medicine testing, we are able to test stressed systems of the body. This testing process has the ability to read the energetic resonance that emanates from the hair and saliva samples. Bioresonance testing measures the body’s energetic reaction to various substances, and will show certain stressors in the body.

Bioenergetic testing can help to identify resonating stress in relation to imbalances in organs and nutrition, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins, hormone imbalances, and more.

Hair follicles grow from blood vessels that contain information from up to six years past, and this hair holds your bioenergetic patterns. The informational patterns the hair holds can include resonating toxins, nutrients, and cellular stress throughout the body.

Like hair, saliva glands secrete biological information that tells the body’s chemicals. Saliva tests give information about hormones, allergies, and infections. From a bioenergetic standpoint, like hair, the saliva also holds the patterns to test for things like sensitivities, toxins, and hormones. This is why a bioenergetic test can assist in getting to the root of troublesome health concerns.

Buy your kit today!

Let’s Work Together

5390 Elevator Rd

Roscoe, IL 61073

Tel: 815-623-5460

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